The Dulcimer Duo Squad is Skidmore's premeire musical dulcimer group. Through [] we strive for musical excellence, sportsmanship, and artistry through our complex and obviously very-well thought out performances at literally any venue we can find. We have performed at such prestigious locations as Falstaff's and that one time outside during midterms. Blaahhsdfh sdfh I cna't write good now....l,;okp
Do you think that turtles have feelings?
Site ©20015 Dulcimer Duo Squad. All rights reserved. [My dad's a lawyer.]
This website is written and maintained almost exclusivly between the hours of 2 and 5 in the morning, so don't sue me because it looks like a geocities site from the 2000s. CSS is for weenies. All a man needs to get information is HTML.